· Capitalism is controlled by competition so that businesses are always looking for ways to be cheaper and must do so in order to guard their market share
· Rich people encourage this by wanting cheap products so that they can have even more
So as a result, the businesses need a large pool of abject poor who will work for next to nothing. At first they had slaves, which is the cheapest labour available. Then they lost those and tried to keep them as tenet farmers who were little better than slaves.
Then they slowly lost that social stratum and the unthinkable happened. A Socialistic policy was put in place, called minimum wage. This is designed to take wealth from the rich and give it to the poor. The justification is that the rich are treating the poor unfairly and the need to have laws to force them to be fair.
The way it works is that the companies will now have to pay more for labour and so the price of food and other commodities will go up. The rich will have to spend more on these basics so they will have less money for other things and so their standard of living will dip slightly. The poor on the other hand will also have to pay more for things but they will receive quite a bit more in wages and so will actually be able to afford more than they could before, so their standard of living will go up.
So, how can a company defend itself against this? They need to find another large pool of abject poor to take advantage of. Enter the illegal immigrants.
· They do not need to be given minimum wage or benefits since they have no legal recourse.
· They have it worse in their home country so they are willing to work for next to nothing.
· They have now become this generation’s slaves.
People may say they want to crack down on illegal immigrants who steal US jobs, but they don’t really. If they did, the results would be:
· They would be forced to pay more for labour and the cost of commodities would rise
· Everyone would see their standard of living decrease as a result
The greed of a nation requires these people be here to work for next to nothing. And no one wants to allow them to stay legally because then they would have to get minimum wage and that would defeat the purpose of having them here illegally in the first place. All the bluster against them is just politics. People even sooth their conscience by saying that they are creating jobs and that these people are glad to have the work.
I predict that they will always be here because that’s the way people want it to be.