Congratulations to the NDP candidates Joe Trasolini and Gwen O'Mahony. They ran good clean campaigns and had solid wins.
Last night, we made great strides too and captured 10 times the share of votes that we did in the last election. However, the BC Conservative party was not able to frame our position in such a way so as to capture enough of the voters who have been fleeing the Liberal party. Many have gone to the NDP or just stayed home. We must reframe our position so as to better connect with the public.
I believe that one area we have to control is our dissatisfaction. Lets face it, we have many people joining our party because they are angry about:
- the HST
- the carbon tax
- Smart Meters
- The BC Rail scandal
- Hydro increases that go to general taxes
- add your issue here
In short, we have a portion of our party that are a conglomeration of various protest votes. We must pull in these edges and allow our unified voice to speak about how we would govern and take our province forward rather than focusing on what we would fix from previous mismanagement.