Thursday, February 16, 2012

Social programs

Every government should take care of its citizens as best as it can. However, out of a kind heart for hurting people, some parties promise unsustainable social programs that are doomed to fail after they have bankrupted the economy.  To finance medical services, senior care, social assistance or any other social program takes more than good intentions.  Greece had multiple social programs but now the money has run out and they have almost none.

Our social programs are like the cap on a 3 layered wall. The foundation is security (police and courts); the middle is infrastructure (roads, public transportation, ferries); and the top is employment (education, re-training). The wall encloses our economic garden. As the wall is enlarged, the social programs can be strengthened. Enlarging social programs without a base to support them is irresponsible and unsustainable.

In BC we have a strong core of medical and social programs that is the envy of the world, but there are problems that need to be corrected in what we already have. We must prioritize our spending to address these even if that means we have to work on some lower parts of the wall that are weak so that it can support the social programs that we need.

The BC Conservative party has a plan for sustainable social programs.

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