We see how uncontrolled social spending has worked out in Europe. The Austerity Measures in Greece are just a small part of the pain that they are going through as they pay for the last decades of fiscal mismanagement. Yet we don't seem to learn anything from it. The NDP under Adrian Dix would like to charge headlong toward the same end.
We say we want responsible government and we should. However, to have that, we need to be responsible citizens. If we want to help the most at risk segments of our population, we need the rest of us to stop looking for the big government programs and allow the government to be fiscally responsible. Greece is no longer able to help their citizens and that is where we will be if we don't get control of our spending now before it is too late.
So true, and the sad part is when Greece or any other country manages their eccomony in this reckless manner the rest of the the world pulls back into sarcity. Tom with your vision of helping the less fortunate but being fiscally responsible at the same time is refreshing and a great quality in a man that has a vision for abundancy in BC.