Balanced Budgets
In retrospect, tying MLAs salaries to a balanced budget may have been a bad idea. The result is not a balanced budget but just creative accounting. We have entered a parallel universe where a budget surplus can add billions to the debt.
How about making the tough decisions so we can shore up support for the most at risk segments of our society by cutting out the nice-to-haves. I'm not saying it would have been easy but it would have been encouraging to have seen at least some effort made.
Step 1. Freeze MLA salaries so they can lead by example.
Step 2. Reduce waste and look for efficiencies. The private sector has to do this, why does government think it is unnecessary?
Step 3. Encourage business instead of driving it away. That will expand our tax base and reduce the number of people who need assistance. Strategic tax cuts WILL increase revenue and decrease spending.
Step 4. Get serious with the backups in the courts, medical waits, education shortfalls. People need to be safe, healthy and trained if we want them to participate in building our economy.
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