Friday, September 6, 2013

Why I want to be president of the BC Conservative Party

I will be seeking the presidency of the BC Conservative Party at the AGM Oct 19,2013.

In the last election I ran for the party in the Shuswap riding and came in second best of all our candidates. Still, I didn't quite get 13% of the vote. Overall we got less than 5% of the popular vote. No matter how you play with the statistics we came 4th as a party, after the Greens.

Given this, some people wonder why I would want not only to still support the party but invest my time in it as president. There are a few things I believe in strongly that govern my decision:
  1. I believe that our party has the principles and guidelines that BC needs and no other party comes close. I could not vote for any other party and I believe that I must vote.
  2. I believe that politics in BC are governed by fear because we have a 2 party system. 85% of voters either vote for the NDP or against the NDP. Until we have a viable third option we will never have responsive government. I believe the BC Conservatives are that option.
  3. I believe that politics is about the future and not the past. If I succeed in my bid for the presidency I will be focused on the future of BC and our party's part in that.
If conservatives in BC come together we will be a powerful force for good in this province.

I do have concerns however. As a group we have shown a tendency to be somewhat strong willed. This is a positive trait that will take us a long way if we harness it to work as a team. If we allow it to make us divisive however, it will mire us in the political fringes. But I believe in the members of this party. We can bring our collective abilities to bear to build the future of BC.

That is why I am running for the presidency. My eyes are wide open to the challenges before us but given our great potential I can see through them as well. I am looking forward to a great year of progress.


  1. Well Said Tom, I am certain you will do a great job.

  2. Tom , I'm from Alberni - Pacific Rim and followed the happenings in Vernon with some interest, hoping that a constructive change would occur in our executive. As you've taken on the role of 'main target' I look forward to see if you can manage to have the entire team pull on the front of the wagon rather than looking for new victims to toss under the wheels. One of the first things I'd like to hear from you is a determination to improve the communication with the membership. More than one person has asked me why there has been no news on the BCCP web site.
    And do you have a preferred web address for party communications? I'm at or but I'm ask this site for notifications if you leave a reply here. Cheers and best wishes, gs
